
To avoid bumps in the road of fundraising, we have put together a few tried and true approaches. These “templates” per se, have consistently worked for us in a variety of organizations, demographics, and levels of experience with fundraising. Our current fundraising options are as follows:

  1. Golf Marathon
  2. Mahjong Marathon
  3. Formal Gala with Special Guest

Beyond the basic planning and preparation for your event (booking the venue, special guests, etc.), the ECS team provides a turn-key fundraising event.

  1. Website. Creating a custom website to advertise the event, collect donations, track progress, and streamline the process.
  2. Silent Auction. Creating a custom silent auction website with pictures, descriptions, and retail values for all donated items. Items can be bid on remotely for those who are unable to attend your event.
  3. Marketing Materials. Designing a custom event marketing package to include an event specific logo, banner, social media ad, instruction packet for participants, corporate sponsorship package, and more.
  4. Customer Support. Providing customer service support for all questions, registration, website support, and material distribution.
  5. Sponsorship Benefits. Coordinating signage, impression placement, VIP swag bags, social media mentions, table placements, marketing materials, etc.
  6. Décor & Setup. We will coordinate with the host facility and vendors as needed to provide the event décor including a photo backdrop, table arrangements, linens, sound, A/V, and lighting, etc.
  7. Event Leadership. Our experienced event host will ensure that your event is seamlessly executed in a fun and timely manner. Our “behind the scenes” team will be ready to handle any and every situation that might arise.
  8. Event Conclusion. At the conclusion of your event, you are free to leave. No need to worry about clean-up, returning borrowed items, or paying vendors.
  9. We will keep a detailed record of all donors/donations and pass this information along to you.
  10. Support Staffing. We will provide the staffing to run the event. No need to beg volunteers for help – we handle it all!