Frequently Asked Questions

As the leader of your organization you may be concerned that you don’t have personal interest in one of these events, your group has never participated in these in the past, and/or you have the finances or time to host the event. Not to worry –

  1. Although you may not have personal interest in these activities – the numbers and statistics show that a large number of your existing and new donors LOVE these events. It’s a great way to deepen your donor base. Also – we will need you to “work the room” and present your organization at an informational table – so you won’t get much play time in anyway.
  2. These events are structured to invite and introduce new donors to your organization. A small number of your current supporters (5) each inviting 5 friends to join them at the event, would result in spreading your message to 20 new people. A 460% increase in your potential donor base. New events = New donors. New is good!
  3. This fundraiser will cost you $0. That’s right. The entry fees will cover the expenses and our event planning fees (20% of the gross fundraising) won’t be taken out until the conclusion of the project. We do the administrative work, we front the costs/deposits for you, we get 20%, and you get a detailed list of all the donors, the amounts they donated, the expenses for the event, and a check for remaining balance.  

Our goal is for you to do 20% of the work and receive 80% of the funds raised. ECS, on the other hand, will do 80% of the work for 20% of the funds received. Why have we structured it that way? First, it is the industry standard commission for event planners and service workers. For example: Your waitress gets tipped 20% of your bill. Secondly, we know that although we may not break even on your first event, you will see the long-term benefit of making this an annual event and partnering long-term with ECS to grow your donor base and increase your fundraising potential. Third, we believe in the mission of your organization and we want to use the gifts and wisdom God gave us to grow His kingdom here on earth.